Saturday, May 14, 2011

Easter Fun!!

Easter this year was a blast as always!!

This is a picture that Kim took and I'm so glad she got this shot. I got it with the video but I didn't have a good zoom to get a good pic.

The boys in prayer before the ride.

Isn't that just an awesome picture?

We rented a motorhome and went out on the west desert of Utah with the Fritsch side of the family. This is a tradition that has been around since before bill was around.

The weather cooperated sometimes, but it didn't snow so I'm not complaining.

We played by the camp, rode around on the bikes and 4 wheelers, hid and found candy and eggs filled with candy, all in all had a great time.

There are so many pictures so I put them in a collages... Enjoy!




On Sunday we went over to the Ellett's for another easter egg hunt, food and games. It was great to spend time with everyone, and of course the boys got loaded with candy (they were the only two kinds in the hunt)!


Oh the pictures are all taken from Bill's phone since I remembered I left my camera about 2 hours into the trip.

1 comment:

  1. That pic of the boys in prayer needs to be blown up and framed! So cool!
